This page “Jewish and Bible Clip Art” is not the whole collection of clip art. The entire website,, is the collection of clip art and was designed to provide clip art for those who teach the Word of God. In the website there are many sections with hundreds or thousands of images on different subjects. One section called the “Tanakh” contains approximately 1,000 photographs of every column in the 16 Scrolls of the Tanakh. (commonly called Hebrew Scripture or the Old Testament)
There are many Jewish communities around the world that do not have access to Hebrew Scrolls other than the Torah and perhaps Esther. To these communities, we are offering high resolution photographs of every Scroll in the Tanakh, with every column easily accessed either on our website or a convenient DVD where that would work best.
The section called “Feasts of the Lord” contains clip art of the Feasts as written in Leviticus chapter 23. The section is designed in three languages; English, Russian, and Chinese. Each of the languages has approximately 750 images with a total of 2,100 images.
Yeshua said in Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. This study on Leviticus 23 shows the fulfillment of each of the feasts. There is clip art that will aid teachers of The Word as these feasts are understood and taught.
The “Hebrew Scroll” Section contains clip art which is helpful in teaching about “Biblical Hebrew Scrolls, Writing and Preservation.
This section contains over 20 years of research to find visual information about Hebrew Scrolls.
The section called “Israel Old Photos” taken in Israel from 1895 to approximately 1935. They are listed in the Library of Congress as follows:
Creator(s): American Colony (Jerusalem)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Damaged Scroll of Isaiah
These photographs are from an old damaged Scroll of Isaiah which was written in Poland on sheepskin with a quill using iron gall ink before the 1900s. The Scroll shows quite a bit of iron gall ink degradation and is missing several sheets. I contacted four Soferim and asked them what it would cost to make the Scroll kosher again. They all agreed that it would cost more to repair the Scroll than to write a new one. Since it will never be on Etz Chaim again or used in a congregation, I have decided to frame each of the remaining eight pages and make them available where they can do the most good.
This sheet contains verses from Isaiah 44:8b through Isaiah 50:2b.
Several people on Facebook recently were discussing Isaiah chapter 49. That made me want to see what they were looking at so I opened what is left of the Isaiah Scroll and was delighted to see that portion was not missing. Page 9 contains Scripture from Isaiah 44:8b through Isaiah 50:2b. It really is an informative read and study in the Hebrew.
The first thing I noticed was the word “Yeshua” in chapter 49 verse 8. That is the same word which is spoken among Messianic Jews which is pronounced “Jesus” in the English language and Albanian: Jezu, Armenian: Hisus, Bosnian: Isus, Chichewa: Yesu, Dutch: Jezus, Estonian: Jeesuse, Filipino: Hesu, Georgian: Ieso, Hmong: Yexus, Russian: Iisus.
To me the most interesting thing is that in the Hebrew language the name and the meaning of the word both mean Salvation. Over 45 I read an article written by a Jewish believer which was titled “Yeshua in the Tanakh”. This is a little lengthy read but well worth the time.
“Yeshua in the Tanakh” by: Arthur E. Glass
In dealing with my Jewish brethren for the past many years in Canada, the United States, Argentina, and Uruguay, I had one great difficulty, and it was this: My Jewish people would always fling at me this challenging question, “If Jesus is our messiah, and the whole Old testament is about Him, how come His name is never mentioned in it even once?” …
“Where do we find that NAME?” you ask. Here it is beloved: Every time the Old Testament uses the word SALVATION (especially with the Hebrew suffix meaning “my”, “thy”, or “his”), with very few exceptions (when the word is impersonal), it is the very same word, Yeshua (Jesus), used in Matthew 1:21. Let us remember that the angel who spoke to Mary and the angel who spoke to Joseph in his dream did not speak in English, Latin, or Greek, but in Hebrew; and neither were Mary or Joseph slow to grasp the meaning and significance of the NAME of this divine Son and its relation to His character and His work of salvation. For in the Old Testament all great characters were given names with a specific and significant meaning.
For example, in Genesis 5:29, Lamech called his son Noah (comfort), saying, “This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands.” In Genesis 10:25, Eber calls his firstborn son Peleg (division); “for his days was the earth divided.” The same is true of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob (changed to Israel — God’s Prince), and all of Jacob’s sons (see Genesis, chapters 29-32). In Exodus 2:10, Pharaoh’s daughter called the baby rescued from the Nile, Moses (Drawn Forth) and she said: “Because I drew him out of the water.” And so we can go on and on to show the deep significance of Hebrew names.
Now then, when the angel spoke to Joseph, husband of Mary, the mother of our Lord, this is what he really said and what Joseph actually understood: “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus [Yeshua (salvation)]: for he shall save [or salvage] his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) … So let us proceed to show clearly the Hebrew name YESHUA (Greek, Iesus; English, Jesus) in the Old Testament.
When the great Patriarch Jacob was ready to depart this world, he by the Holy Spirit was blessing his sons and prophetically foretelling their future experiences in those blessings. In verse 18 of Genesis 49 he exclaims, “I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord!”; or “In thy Yeshua (Jesus) I am hoping (trusting), O Lord!” … YESHUA (Jesus) was the One in Whom Jacob was trusting to carry him safely over the chilly waters of the river of death. Jacob was a saved man, and did not wait until his dying moments to start trusting in the Lord. He just reminded God that he was at the same time comforting his own soul.
In Psalm 9:14 David bursts forth, “I will rejoice in thy salvation!” What he actually did say and mean was, “I will rejoice in (with) thy YESHUA (Jesus).” In Psalm 91:14-16 God says “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high [raise him above circumstances], because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life (eternal life) will I satisfy him, and show him my [YESHUA (Jesus)] salvation.” … That promise is realized in Revelation 22:3-4: “And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it: and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see His face.” In Isaiah 12:2-3 … SALVATION is mentioned three times … let me give them as they actually read in the original Hebrew with Jesus as the embodiment and personification of the word SALVATION: “Behold, mighty (or, God the mighty One) is my YESHUA (Jesus — in His pre-incarnation and eternal existence); I will trust and not be afraid; for JAH-JAHOVAH is my strength and my song; He is also become my YESHUA (Jesus).” “And the WORD (Jesus incarnate) became flesh, and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14). “Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of YESHUA (Jesus crucified — waters of salvation flowing forth from Golgotha).”
Something very interesting occurred one spring in St. Louis. I was visiting in the home of our friends, Brother and Mrs. Charles Siegelman, and another Jew was present there. He claimed Jewish orthodoxy for his creed … The good Jewish brother opposed the claims of Christ in the Old Testament verbally, and in a friendly fashion, most violently. His best offensive weapon, he thought, was to fling at me and at all of us there the well-known challenge: “You can’t find the name ‘Jesus’ in the Old Testament”; and this he did.
I did not answer him directly, but asked him to translate for us from my Hebrew Bible, Isaiah 62:11. Being a Hebrew scholar, he did so with utmost ease, rapidity, and correctness; and here is what and how he translated that text verbatim: “Behold, Jehovah has proclaimed unto the end of the world. Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy Yeshua (Jesus) cometh; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work is before Him.” Just then he crimsoned as he realized what he had done and how he had played into my hands, and he fairly screamed out, “No! no! You made me read it ‘thy YESHUA’ (Jesus), Mr Glass! You tricked me!” I said “No, I did not trick you. I just had you read the Word of God for yourself. Can’t you see that here SALVATION is a Person and not a thing or an event? ‘HE comes, HIS reward is with HIM, and HIS work is before HIM.” Then he rushed at his own Old Testament, talking away frantically, saying, “I’m sure mine is different from yours.” And when he found the passage, he dropped like a deflated balloon. His Old Testament was, of course, identical. All he could use as an escape from admitting defeat was to deny the divine inspiration of the book of Isaiah.
Then skipping on to Habakkuk, we have the greatest demonstration of the NAME “Jesus” in the Old Testament; for here we have both the name as well as the title of the Savior. In 3:13 we read literally from the original Hebrew: “Thou wentest forth with YESHA [variant of YESHUA — Jesus] of [or for] thy people; with YESHUA thy MESSIAH [thy Anointed One: i.e., with Jesus thy Christ]; thou woundest the head of the house of the wicked one [Satan].” Here you have it! The very NAME given to our Lord in the New Testament — Jesus Christ! So don’t let anyone — Jew or Gentile — tell you that the name JESUS is not found in the Old Testament.
And so when the aged Simeon came to the Temple, led there by the Holy Ghost, and took the baby Jesus in his arms, he said, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: for mine eyes have seen thy salvation [YESHUA — Jesus].” Luke 2:29-30 … Not only did his eyes see God’s SALVATION — God’s YESHUA (Jesus) — but he felt Him and touched Him. His believing heart beat with joy and assurance as he felt the loving heart of God throbbing in the heart of the holy infant Jesus.
“And thou shalt call his name Jesus (SALVATION, YESHUA): for he shall save (salvation, salvage) his people from their sins!” Matthew 1:21 This article is available from Messianic Literature Outreach on the web.
This section is from a Hebrew scroll of Isaiah originally written on sheep skin with a quill and iron gall ink in Poland. Because of the iron gall ink degradation and the re-lettering in many sections it has been determined that the Scroll was written sometime in the 1800s.
After surviving the Holocaust this fragmented scroll was sent to a Geniza in Israel and finally was moved to America in 2008.
We have what is left of the scroll in our collection in Houston, Texas.
This photo contains verses from Isaiah 40:21 through Isaiah 41:2. The Yad (pointer) is indicating where Isaiah 40:31 starts.
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Animated Hanukkah Menorah
There are over 2,000 other images of Hebrew Jewish clip art from Scrolls throughout the other pages of this web site. We will soon have our store open with high resolution clip are suitable for publication.