Framed Scroll sheets
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From my collection of Hebrew Scrolls, when a Scroll or part of a Scroll can never be made kosher again I frame the sheets to preserve them. Otherwise the sheets would be put in a geniza and would never be seen again.
All frames are made with the highest standard: wooden, acid free mating, UV Protected glass. In the newer shadowbox style, the Scripture is sewn to a mat using kosher giddin (sinew).
The dating on each manuscript is determined in the following way. By the information of the seller to me, amount and type of iron gall ink degradation, manner of stitching, condition of each piece showing damage by usage or on purpose as in the Holocaust or Pogrom, re-inking on letters to make them kosher again, the number of times a re-inking has occurred. Many sellers arbitrarily add a date to a Scroll. Whenever possible I have used the advice and dating of professionals; e.g., Soferim, Rabbis, seminaries, Hebrew scholars. I have worked with Hebrew Scrolls for over 20 years and have personally located and purchased almost 100 Scrolls and or parts of Scrolls. I have located and purchased two complete sets of Scrolls that make up the 16 Scrolls of the Tanakh (Old Testament). When a Scroll or part of a Scroll can never be made kosher again I frame the sheets to preserve them. Otherwise the sheets would be put in a geniza and would never be seen again.